Wednesday, June 11, 2008


First, for those unfamiliar with Independent Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, he is a rare bird in the US Congress, neither Republican nor Democrat.  
Vermont, of course, being a very small state, with quite alot of people from urban areas such as NYC and Boston who settled there and a very large, liberal, university campus and student body. 
As people might recall from a previous Presidential primary, the leading, almost independent, Democratic Presidential challenger, Howard Dean, emanated from Vermont. 
Of course, Dean's independent campaign was squashed, dead ended, dissolved, uprooted, by the Democratic mafia, like Hillary's challenge. 
But, Hillary defied the Democratic mafia and, mostly through her own funds, hung in despite them, which in turn, catapulted and transformed her campaign into something it was or would not have been, otherwise.  
Returning to Bernie Sanders.  
Bernie Sanders is a good example of what the US categorizes as Left, Liberal, i.e., Independent leaning.  
That's why I'm noting and highlighting the following interview with Bernie Sanders on C-Span, this past Tuesday, June 10 (6/10).  
(Of course, the other Independent Senator is overtly Fascist Lieberman from Connecticut.) 
Bernie Sanders appeared on C-Span's early morning call-in program on Tuesday to discuss or defend his Senate Committee's proposed Energy Bill.  
Sanders is a member of the Senate Committee drafting that bill. 
So, once again, to my utter amazement, a gentleman telephoned into C-Span to ask a question of Mr. Sanders to the effect, why don't we, the US, build and own our own oil and gas pipelines and control our own energy resources, in effect, nationalization?  
He did not use that word, that term.  
But, the question amounted to the same thing.  
This fellow sounded genuinely inquisitive, open, curious, sincere.  
He was not challenging or threatening Mr. Sanders. 
Much like a child who naievely asks a proverbially simplistic and obvious question to any adult, "Why is the sky blue?" Bernie Sanders response to this profound subject amounted to a more or less an offhand gesture, a few words, equaling no more than a sentence, and he matter of fact stated it is "too radical" for the US and would not be considered for even 2 minutes and then he proceeded to talk about his/their energy bill as if the question had never been asked.  
In other words, the idea and subject matter was dismissed, off the table, ruled out.  
No discussion. 
If you doubt me, you can listen to the entire approximate 25 minute interview on c-span's video archives.  
The particular question to which I'm referring comes AROUND minute number 9 in the video. 
(If you go to the website, just search for his name, above, Bernie Sanders, Energy Committee Member, 6/10/08 in the box on their homepage under "Recent Events" and scroll down it for the above heading and date.) 
Incidentally, part of this energy bill is to prosecute OPEC as a price fixing cartel! 
Not our own, of course. 
What can I say? 
The whole thing is a cruel joke, hoax.  
Next, regarding jokers. 
Apparently, there's some speculation that Obama, and, perhaps, Hillary, as well, disappeared into the Bilderberg meeting when they supposedly were having their private tete-a-tete. 
I have no idea if this is true.  
However, I will link to the following article about this subject for two reasons. 
It highlights a number of names and connections, all and MANY MORE of which are and were readily available during the primary campaign, including Murdoch's support of Obama, had anybody cared to notice, and, that the hypothesis is a plausible one to me. 
It could very well have happened. 
For me, I do not characterize it as a "conspiracy" any more than all the other OPEN "conspiracies" surrounding privatization and the interests of the propertied class, much of which I've been following on my blogs, from the GCC to Turkey to Russia, etc.  
IF it did occur, Obama was probably given instructions, his theme and marching orders and, possibly, the meeting negotiated either a deal or a threat with Hillary.  
I do not necessarily subscribe to the many characterizations in the following narrative, including, but, not limited to, that Obama is popular.  
Far from it.  
It's called "manufactured popularity," like "manufactured dissent":  

Although I can't highlight all the many developments surrounding global privatization, I will diverge, momentarily, to a different area of the globe to highlight one from Chile, because of its overwhelming significance regarding the globe's #1 state owned copper producer, Codelco: 

The pattern is an obvious one. 
And, another clear, obvious, reaction to ANY resistance to global privatization, the ever ominous, Fascist, counter-revolutionary JBANC alliance, issues another one in their many threatening proclamations equating Communism with Nazism: 

At the following website, also linked to on the jbanc website, you can read a list of the featured guests and speakers at the upcoming Washington, D.C, June 12th commemoration event. In that list, amongst the "illustrious" speakers, is the supposedly "progressive" Ohio Democratic Representative Dennis Kucinch, ONCE AGAIN: 

Kucinich is the nominally "progressive peace candidate," currently busy with his own theatrical performance in the US Congress to introduce an impeach Bush resolution. 
(It will go nowhere. Don't bother yourselves. It's all performance).  
It really does not get any better than this, does it?
This says it all, including Bernie Sanders, above.  
If you cannot understand, at this point, why these same people do NOT recognize Iran's role in Iraq, Iran's Nazi militias, their pseudo-religion and Turkey's AKP, the fake Left and fake opposition in the US and the formulas and format on how it all functions together, then, you should simply give up, go home and have your head examined.  
You will never understand. 
Pay no attention to whatever you hear, see, read about "change" in the US.  
The preceding regarding JBANC, by the way, more or less, parallels a similar thematic construct in America's fake, predetermined, Presidential s-election campaign. 
Obama's role in this theatre piece will be characterized as "accommodation and appeasement" to Iran and the many, numerous, other threats to "democracy," energy, terrorism, whatever, while American war hero and military man McCain will be characterized as the experienced, honest, sincere, legitimate, patriotic, fatherly, and hardline juxtaposition to Obama's weak, vacillating, contradictory positions.  
Easy to do since Obama represents nothing in particular except personal sleaze and opportunism.  
Thus, the election will justify a policy that has already been predetermined.  
Simplistic! Viola! 
Manufactured consent, dissent and elections.  
Finally, a little footnote of appreciation to all the hard work of those providing English translations from Arabic. 
Normally, I cull lots of material related to what I characterize the coordinating, nerve center for the privatization project in the MENA region from the GCC in English. 
Fortunately, there's plenty available.
Well, I happened upon something titled in English, but, with an Arabic video link.  
I have absolutely zero idea what is being said in Arabic.
The Arabic is "Greek" to me.  
But, obviously, the Arabic video is related to the English titled subject matter, which I clearly understand. 
So, I decided to link to it BECAUSE of its Arabic video content.  
Anyone wishing to comment upon the Arabic, feel free to e-mail me or add something to the blog, below:
"EFG-Hermes: Mena Region Banks Grow 20% A Year":  

Sorry if this doesn't hit the spot for the Arabic speaking world. 
I tried.

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